Shooting in Natural Light

“Let’s keep it au naturale.”

As a fashion blogger, doing photoshoots comes along with the outside territory. Get it lol? The location is very important and the lighting has to be on point. Bad lighting can really ruin your photos especially if it can’t be edited in post-production. I always try to make sure I take all of these things into account when preparing for a photoshoot. In my opinion, natural lighting is the best option.

 It is currently the middle of summer, so it is suggested to shoot right before sunrise and sunset because it is usually cooler around these times and they are labeled as “Golden Hour”. You can get some of the best natural lighting during “Golden Hour” and your skin appears to glow. Who wouldn’t love to have photos that look like that?

 If you are shooting inside the house, try to shoot in a room where there is a lot of natural light. I would suggest shooting near a window in the house and shooting with your body facing the window to take full advantage of the natural light. Your photos will turn out so much better if you choose this option.

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- xoxo Si