Why I Decided to Become a Fashion and Style Blogger

“I don’t dress up for anyone but me.” - Unknown

If this is your first time reading my blog, let me introduce myself to you. My name is Sierra and my friends call me “Si” for short and everyone knows that I love fashion and style. I am a Financial Analyst from 8-5 but I am a full-time fashionista. Thus, I am usually the one who will show up to a place overdressed and in a bright color of some sort. I would rather show up overdressed rather than underdressed anyway.


In 2016, I encountered a point in my life where I was in a downward spiral and in May of that year, I hit rock bottom when I was fired from a company that I worked for. I literally felt like I had fallen into a hole and couldn’t see a way to climb out. I spent months trying to figure out my next move and how I was going to make ends meet. In the midst of all that, I really had to dig deep inside myself to understand what truly made my life desirable. Unbeknownst to me, my passion had been there all along. Fashion and style saved my life.


I decided towards the end of 2016 that I would launch a fashion and style blog in 2017. I had no idea how to start a blog, but I googled everything that I could find about starting a blog. I officially launched my blog on February 19, 2017 and ever since my entrance to the blogging world, I have encountered so many women that are a part of this creative space. I wish I had started blogging years before! Blogging about fashion and style is truly therapeutic for me because I am writing about something that I love. Everything that is related to fashion and style has become a big part of my lifestyle and continuously sets my soul on fire!


Please follow my page on Instagram @styled.by.si to stay up to date with my fashion and lifestyle journey!

- xoxo Si