5 Tips to Stay Within Budget When Online Shopping

“I am not a shopaholic. I am helping the economy.” - Unknown

In the midst of most people staying at home to quarantine, we have been bored out of our minds. So, what does one do when they are bored at home? Lay on the couch binge watching Netflix and Hulu, eat lots of snacks, take a quick stroll around the neighborhood, and loads of online shopping. I have done each one of these things but let’s just say that I have overindulged on the online shopping.

 Online shopping is so convenient and allows you to view several items that you like all at once without physically getting into your car to visit the storefront. However, online shopping definitely will cause you to break the bank a lot quicker than taking a physical trip. With so many items online at your fingertips that can be readily available at the click of the mouse, your bank account can readily become zero or in the negative if you aren’t careful with spending.

 Considering that we are at primarily right now, we shouldn’t be online shopping right? Well, yes and no. I would say yes because there are some places that we can still physically visit and a new outfit is always nice to have when you grace everyone with your presence lol. Additionally, I would say no to online shopping because we should be trying to reduce spending on clothing that we might not get to wear since we are extremely limited in where we can go. Ultimately, it is at your own discretion. Plus, how can a woman turn down an awesome sale (especially when it is a sale on shoes)?

Here are 5 tips to help you stay in budget when online shopping:

1.     Remember when I said we are bored? DO NOT SHOP WHILE YOU ARE BORED!

2.     If you decide to go online to browse for something, have an idea of what you are looking for and buy just that. Don’t get sidetracked by the cute purse that showed up in the things you might like section.

3.     If you planned to spend $50, only spend $50. Stick to your budget!

4.     Don’t buy an item unless you absolutely love it. Just because something is on sale doesn’t mean you need it.

5.     Put the items in your cart and sleep on it. You need to give yourself time to think about whether or not the purchase is really necessary.

Most importantly, online shopping is fun but don’t let it get you trouble with your significant other. My fiancé gives me a look every time a package appears on the doorstep and asks if it is within my budget lol. Shop with purpose and stay in budget people!


Photographer: K.Marie

Dress: Missguided

Shoes: Charlotte Russe

Purse: Aldo

Please follow my page on Instagram @styled.by.si to stay up to date with my fashion and lifestyle journey!

- xoxo Si