6 Reasons to Wear Bright Colors

“Color is a power which directly influences the soul.” - Wassily Kandinsky

If you know me, you would know that I love to wear bright, bold colors. I gravitate to anything that is colorful when I am shopping and very much likely to purchase those items. Bright colors also help shorten the amount of time that I am in the store shopping because it helps me to eliminate picking through clothing.


Some people are reticent about wearing bright colors because they don’t want to be an attention grabber which is understandable. However, I have few reasons that will change that notion.

1.     When you wear bright colors, you are making a statement that commands others to know that you are present.

2.     It shows everyone that you have personality and a bright, energetic aura.

3.     People are more likely to gravitate to you.

4.     Bright colors make you feel like you can accomplish anything.

5.     Most bright colors are power colors that send a message to everyone that you are in charge.

6.     Bright colors generally make you happy. This is why I hardly have any black clothes.


Now that you have read about the goodness of adding color into your wardrobe, I hope you decide to incorporate more color into your daily styling. It will definitely change your life in more ways than one!


Photographer: K.Marie

Blouse: Goodwill

Skirt: Express

Shoes: Charlotte Russe

Purse: Aldo

Please follow my page on Instagram @styled.by.si to stay up to date with my fashion and lifestyle journey!

- xoxo Si