It's my 1st BLOG-iversary!

Wow! Where did the time go?! I can’t believe that I first launched my blog to the public on February 19, 2017 and here it is February 19, 2018! I must say that I have learned so many things within a year about fashion & style blogging. I will share a few things that I learned with you guys.


My first year of blogging was full of learning experiences. Upon my decision to start my blog, I did research to gain an understanding of what it took to become a successful blogger but actually executing the plan into fruition was hard! However, given that the process was hard, I am grateful for the experience and I now know how to execute my plan going forward.

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Blogging has allowed me to understand the importance of planning ahead to remain consistent with content. If you do not plan ahead, you will be constantly watching OTHERS do what YOU should have already done. Planning your posts ahead of time will ensuring that you have content on consistent basis. You have to be a full-time content creator and not part-time! Consistent content creation is extremely necessary as a blogger if you want to keep your audience engaged.

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As a first year blogger, I learned the importance of a great makeup artist and photographer. Luckily, I have an awesome makeup artist, Cynthia Mitchell and two photographers, Rudy Jefferson and Garrett Kerr that help bring my vision to life each time. Bloggers must have these two elements in the mix if they want to have great content to present.

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When I first decided to start my blog it was initially to be a catalyst into becoming a personal stylist; however, I spent more time creating content for my blog than styling. Personal styling is actually my true passion but I do love blogging as well. Literally at the end of 2017, I was presented with an opportunity to style two people and I absolutely loved it! As I mentioned in my very first blog post, my friends ask me for styling advice on a regular basis but actually going to shop for pieces for someone was really awesome! In 2018, I plan to fill my blog with personal styling tips so please stay tuned!

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Attaining success as a blogger requires you to go through a rigorous process, plan ahead, make necessary investments in yourself, and remember exactly what your purpose is for starting the journey. All of this is a challenge but I am ready to conquer each one!

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Please follow my page on Instagram to stay up to date with my fashion journey!

With Love,

Sierra Sade